Spring Break Struggles For Those With ADHD

Mar 20, 2024

Spring Breakkkk!!! It's a time to disconnect from screens and lovingly connect with our loved ones. Unfortunately for some families, the emotional connection part can be a challenge. Kids with ADHD are so grateful they aren't in school i.e. jail that they may go buck wild all day and then crash without having one heart-to-heart with their parents. For some men, the concept of resting all day when "there is so much work to do" causes them to shut down. After all, men are always thinking about how best to support their families financially. This may lead to the women in the family feeling ignored and frustrated.

Men's brains and biorhythms are amazing gifts. At a biological level, they are in a 24-hour cycle. Predictable. Steady. Comfortable.

The female brain and biorhythms are a beautiful symphony. Moving and flowing in between different melodies. Women are virtually four different people throughout the month. Women are meant to flow in between weeks of meditation and intuition, creation, production, and celebration. This is why I always find it interesting that most women pray to not be on their period on vacations. From a brain health and hormone perspective, THIS is the best time to be on your period! The body, mind, and spirit are in the phase of REST and RECEIVING.

So, what do we do?! 

Here are a few tips.

On the way to your destination... don't talk to the men/boys in the car. Let them rest their brains and focus on their job-- getting you there safely! Praise the men/boys in the car and leave any discussions for when you arrive. Be sure to give the men/boys 30 minutes of transition time when you arrive.. no rushing anything!

For ADHD kids: keep them on an easy schedule- NOT too full. Chunk the day into three parts so there is some structure but you aren't constantly looking at your Apple watch.

For the ADHD hubby: as soon as you read this, give them extra praise for how grateful you are for them working so hard and prioritizing your family. Let them know you're SO excited for your spring break together and that you are looking forward to some sexy time.

For the ADHD wife: learn where you are at in your cycle for the vacation (even if you've gone through menopause or had a hysterectomy.. there are natural cycles tying you to the moon!)  This way you can see what part of your cycle you are in. From there, you can decide how active to be on your vaca. 

When you're on your way home from vaca, enjoy quiet time as a family. Encourage everyone to think to themselves about some of their favorite moments from the vacation and put them in their phone NOTES to discuss at the next family dinner.

For more ADHD family tips, check out my ADHD in Relationships course

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