The Concussion First Aid Kit

Mar 16, 2024
Over 2 million new head injuries are reported in the U.S. each year and that doesn't include those that are not reported. As someone who has met hundreds of professional athletes' brains and heard their stories on the field, I can assure most concussions are not reported. Even so, many concussions are not addressed properly. An MRI or CT scan, rest, and a week off screens and school/work are not enough.
The number of concussions is rising, especially among children and teens. The leading cause of death for children and teens is currently suicide and homicide.
Did you know that concussions damage the temporal lobes, the area of the brain responsible for mood regulation? Common problems with temporal lobe dysfunction are dark thoughts, suicidal thoughts or behavior, and homicidal thoughts of behaviors.
Something has to change. And if you are reading this, YOU are a part of the paradigm shift!
Below is the Concussion First Aid Kit you need to have on hand.
I am NOT a physician. The following recommendations are from my friend and colleague, Dr. Kabran Chapek, a naturopath and concussion expert. 

take immediately after a concussion:

8 caps NAC 500mg

2 caps Curcumin 500mg

2 caps Vitamin C 1,000mg

2 caps Vitamin D 5,000mg

1 cap Omega 3s 800mg

1 tablespoon MCT oil

1 tablespoon BCAA powder

to take on Days 1-4 post-injury

4 caps NAC 500mg

2 caps Curcumin 500mg

1 cap Vitamin C 1,000mg

1 cap Vitamin D 5,000mg

1 cap Omega 3s 800mg

3 tbsp MCT oil

1 tbsp 3x day BCAA powder


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