#7: Quantum Decoding Devices & Daily Practices with Dr. Jyun Shimizu

Dr. Jyun loves nature as much as I do so this is where we began. The connection between nature and the relationship of 3, 6, 9 in the spiritual realm really blew my mind! Dr. Jyun shares the technology behind his quantum healing card which he was gracious to send me and it's helped me with some really challenging conversations. We recorded this on 3.9 which is even more synchronistic!

Dr. Jyun gave us beautiful insight about the power of believing and knowing versus seeing, given our eyes can easily deceive us. It's all about healing our hearts.

Did you know the heart has 4 chambers? There's a lot going on there! Which is why finding your unique manifestation process is so important to birthing the most authentic Self.

You know I can't go a day without talking about boundaries. I had to set a literal boundary with someone who kept walking on my deck. I share my insights and the growth process of how "the old me" would have handled it.

I also had to throw it in there why coaches need coaches and doctors need doctors. Primary care physicians, ER doctors, veterinarians, and dentists have very high suicide rates. They also have high rates of addiction, especially cocaine to keep them awake.

Dr. Jyun Shimizu is a world-renowned quantum healer and Chinese Medicine practitioner. His 24-episode series on the Conscious Awakening Network is producing miracles all over the planet. Dr. Jyun shares how multi-dimensional, heart-centered healing is the key to unlocking true health and bliss. We discuss the importance of sleep, liver & gallbladder function, and taking care of yourself. Dr. Jyun shares he "gets falidated" every day when a patient tells him they're feeling better after following his recommendations. How beautiful!!!! Many of his patients are becoming quantum healing coaches as a result of their newfound vibrancy. Stay tuned for this coaching certification coming soon.

Please check out Dr. Jyun and his MIRACLE PRODUCING devices at https://www.quantumdecoders.com/

