#8: How To Feel Calmer Instantly w/Dr. Ruth Mary Allan

Dr. Ruth and I had an amazing conversation about the healing power of Havening touch, never letting go of childlike wonder, and adding magic to our mindset. Havening is unlike any other tool for soothing PTSD and anxiety including the physical symptoms of bruxism, facial pain and visible fatigue, and body aches and pain. Dr. Ruth goes into the science of why talk therapy makes PTSD worse and how music can help with healing and reducing triggers.

We shared why caring for your brain heals generations-- which is crucial for those of us who had Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and want to be wonderful parents.

Dr. Ruth Mary Allan is a high-performance coach, Havening practitioner, and Certified Brain Health Coach. She is the host of the Brain Health Unchaining Your Pain podcast which has over 5 million downloads. Dr. Ruth's podcast is about removing the stigma behind difficult conversations related to brain power and performance. It covers everything from major trauma, war, abuse, rape, addictions, depression, anxiety, cognitive issues, head trauma, ADHD, autism and so much more. Dr. Ruth interviews industry leaders who talk about what brain health means to them and share their story of how they have unchained their pain or that of others to step into the person they are today.

You can learn more about her amazing services here: https://www.ruthmaryallan.com/

You can learn more about Havening here: https://www.ruthmaryallan.com/blog/what-is-the-scientific-evidence-behind-havening