#49: Human Design in Relationships w/Margo Fraser

Have you ever wondered how Human Design can improve your communication, intimacy, and sex life?

Fallon is joined by Margo Fraser, Nature Mystic, Cosmic Connector, and Certified Intuitive Strategist and Human Design expert. Margo shares her insights as a healer (and Manifesting Generator:-) from all her years working with individuals and couples wanting to deepen their understanding, compassion, and connection through their unique and perfect design- Human Design!

Lately, Fallon has been receiving divine messages about talking to trees and healing the land simply by listening to what the Earth is telling us. Margo's insight was perfectly timed, you will LOVE this episode!

Margo Fraser a Certified Human Design Professional, trained through the International Human Design School in the deepest levels of this Science of Differentiation. She facilitates understanding and embodying the magic of your unique nature and becoming you own decision-making authority. Her training includes less known aspects of Human Design that support you in decoding your design in the areas of sexuality, intimacy and caring, relationships both with an individual, and within family and groups, radical transformation for enhancing your brain/body system and opening your mindā€™s true perspective and awareness, learning styles, dreamtime conditioning, and more! Margo has seen first hand how freeing and empowering this knowledge can be. Adding to that, her intuitive ability as a Nature Mystic, Cosmic Connector and Certified Intuitive Strategist through the Academy for the Soul, where sheā€™s now a Master Teacher, allows her to bring a whole different level of understanding behaviour and shifting shadow personas that have been holding you back. Margo can support you with healing the lingering aspects that insist on clinging to old conditioning so that you can more greatly embody and live in the freedom of your Authentic & True Nature!

Reclaiming Your Mystical Relationship to Night, Chaos & Form: https://margogfraser.com/reclaiminglightofnight/

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