Are you ready to create or grow your biz?

make great money doing what you love without drama, burn out, or insane ad spend

The 5 Costly Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make

Here are the most important things you need to know to birth and grow the biz of your dreams

Want to live your soul purpose?

Creating a new business or growing your existing business doesn't have to involve blood, sweat, and tears. Entrepreneurship is meant to be FUN! It's all about authenticity and thriving in your zone of genius.

Most business owners are missing out on the magic of living their soul purpose. 80% of your business success is your mindset, only 20% is tactical strategy.

Whether you sell services or products, the world is ready for your unique essence. It's time to bring your gifts to the world!

It’s Time To Claim Your Innate Gifts





No more hiring different consultants and getting conflicting recommendations.

Why this container is different:

  • All business-related decisions are based on your unique soul blueprint and clear guidance from Source

  • You will receive daily clearings, healings, and upgrades to your energetic field

  • You will be running a business with a high-performance brain by working with world's top Brain Health Coach

  • You will have access to an elite network and world class resources


Human Design

Your Human Design chart is based on astrology, NASA technology, and ancient wisdom. Human Design is the fast-track way to deeply understand yourself and your mission.

Foundation of Clarity

Everything you do for your business will be in full trust and confidence. No more second-guessing yourself and overthinking every decision.

Sales & Marketing

Sales and marketing strategy is all based on what lights you up, without any subconscious blocks holding you back. Without energy healing, your sales and marketing won't work.

Tactical Support

Copywriting, website & landing page design, client contracts and scripts. We've got you covered.

HR Related Insights

Hiring the right people to support you is one of the most important things you'll ever do as a business owner. Having an intuitive and Human Design coach on your side changes everything.

Consistent Support

Connect with Fallon in Voxer, a free app with audio and text messaging, anytime you have a question, need an energy boost, or you have an amazing WIN to share!

Does this sound like you?

"I know what I want to do but I don't know where to start."

"I'm stuck. If I knew my soul purpose everything in my life would change."

"I'm always receiving conflicting business advice. I'm so overwhelmed and confused!"

"I want to be a clear channel so I can receive my own answers."


This is not another ploy to get you buy ads, give away all your knowledge for free to grow followers, or have you neglect your loved ones while you "work on your business."

This program is based on 80% biz energetics and 20% biz strategy. By removing subconscious blocks and upgrading your energetic frequency, clients and customers will naturally flow to you. When you're committed to your authenticity and innate gifts, everything works out!

By entering this container, you will have access to your coach, Fallon Jordan, every day. Whenever you need an energy clearing, it is done. You will receive daily high-vibe love notes. Hop on the phone with Fallon as big or little decisions pop up.

During the first session, Fallon will review your Human Design so you have your soul blueprint and a clear path forward in sales/marketing.



Fallon Jordan is a transformation coach, energy healer, podcast host, and founder of Quantum Brain Health Coaching.

After birthing her own business combining her expertise in holistic psychiatry with her love for Human Design, Reiki, and home organization, Fallon fell in love with the process of birthing new businesses from scratch.

While Fallon has helped thousands of businesses grow through her one-off coaching sessions, Fallon has birthed new business from scratch from a select few New Earth leaders.

If you are ready to bring your business into creation or quantum leap your current visibility and revenue, Fallon could be the business coach you've been asking the universe for.

Live Your Soul Purpose and Live In Flow

You are a New Earth leader. It's time to step up and share your unique magic with the world. Unapologetically.

"Fallon is a breath of fresh air in the coaching space. She is authentic and also encourages you to lean into your truth without judgment. You know she's the real deal when she can hold space for you through big things and stay so completely grounded. She shows up in such an effervescent way because she lives her life the way she preaches it to others. I couldn't think of someone else more qualified to energetically align and work with than Fallon!"

-Dr. Sara

Chiropractor & Corporate Wellness Speaker

"Fallon is fantastic! She goes above and beyond. My company and family are so grateful for her expertise. Fallon helped me heal my brain then start my own business. Now I get to help thousands of people with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Her guidance and leadership will continue to carry me forward to a bright future."


Founder of Your Healthy Brain Hyperbarics & Mind Body Hyperbaric

No More Procrastinating.


Coaching Session


  • 2 hour Zoom experience with Fallon to gain crystal clear clarity on your goals for health, wealth, intuition, and soul purpose 

  • Energy clearing, healing, and activations to support you in divine connection in everyday life 

  • Human Design reading & integration

  • Takeaway tools and strategies to reprogram your subconscious mind forever so you can manifest quicker 

  • Upgrades to your daily routine & self-care practices by learning practical solutions to instantly boost your energy, mood, and memory

  • Tactical business strategy including sales & marketing

  • Tips and tools to start your dream biz and become profitable within months


30 Days of Coaching


  • 2 hour Zoom experience with Fallon to gain crystal clear clarity on your business goals

  • Energy clearing, healing, and activations to support your highest timeline

  • Human Design reading & integration

  • Immediate access to Fallon via Voxer (a free app with audio and text messaging)

  • 30 days of rapid transformational coaching at a fraction of high-ticket coaching containers

  • Unlimited Voxer access (a free app with text and audio messages) to Fallon

  • Reframing your relationship with Authenticity, Time and Money

  • Rewiring your brain for vibrant health, abundance, love, and success every day with the world's leading brain health coach

  • Tactical business strategy including sales & marketing

  • Tips and tools to start your dream biz and become profitable within months


Customized Business Coaching


  • 2 hour Zoom experience with Fallon to gain crystal clear clarity on your business goals

  • Energy clearing, healing, and activations to support your highest timeline

  • Human Design reading & integration

  • Copywriting, website & landing page design, marketing hand-holding
  • Unlimited Voxer access (a free app with text and audio messages) to Fallon

  • Reframing your relationship with Authenticity, Time and Money

  • Rewiring your brain for vibrant health, abundance, love, and success every day with the world's leading brain health coach


Dream Biz. Dream Life.

No more hiding. No more putting off your dreams. It's time for you to shine your light!