#37 Accessing Gaia's Divine Codes w/Kerry Ferber

If you’ve ever wondered exactly what gridworking is, Kerry answers your question in today’s episode! Kerry joins Fallon to chat about her unique gifts as a spiritual entrepreneur, and shares how she supports people to reconnect with themselves and with our planet. You will love Kerry’s energy, and her powerful reminders about how you can create the most aligned and vibrant experience for yourself on this planet. 

Kerry is an Intuitive Channel and Earth Oracle, a channeler of Divine Gaia Codes. She empowers curious and courageous souls to trust in their personal truth, embody their fullest essence, and confidently beam their inner light on this planet. More specifically, Kerry bridges lightworker hearts back to the heart of Gaia to live a more vibrant, aligned, and expansive human experience. Connect with Kerry on her website at https://www.kerryferber.com/ or IG https://www.instagram.com/kerry.ferber/

This podcast is sponsored by Your Healthy Brain Hyperbarics. If you are seeking a relaxing way to improve your physical or mental health at rapid speeds, HBOT (Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy) will change your life! You can reach out to CEO and Founder Robby Thompson directly at 615-712-7923 or https://www.yourhealthybrain.com/

If you are a healer seeking to birth or grow your spiritual biz, you can learn more about Fallon's containers here:https://www.fallonjordan.com/biz

Mastermind: https://www.fallonjordan.com/mastermind