#44 Evolving The Self Through Human Design w/Bry Reilly

Fallon is joined by Human Design, Health & Life Coach, and Strength & Conditioning Coach, Bryanna Reilly. If you are curious about your Human Design impact on your life & biz, you won't want to miss this! You will also get to hear Bry's story of dropping old labels and identity (i.e. Nurse Bry) and fully stepping into her authenticity and alignment. She shares how this process of reflecting, detaching, and following her intuition was much easier by tuning into her Human Design type.

Is it possible you are doing the least effective sales and marketing strategy based on your Human Design type? Bry takes us into exploring tactical biz insight for different Human Design types and profiles.

Fallon and Bry share their insights into creating and bending time, manifestation, and navigating a life where you expect miracles around every corner.

More about Bry:
After a season of doing what made ā€œlogical senseā€ in biz, life, relationships Bry was left feeling the most disconnected from herself and her intuition. It was then she decided to try something she never had. She began understanding and living as her Manifesting Generator self. Human Design gave her the bridge of spirituality and practicality to create more ease + income in her biz, confidently make + communicate directions, and become ā€œthe right time, right place girlā€. Today, she supports others in her signature design + align offer that help others unleash their aligned + authentic life through their unique design.

Schedule your Year Ahead Human Design reading with Bry here: https://bryreilly.ck.page/18d518fba8

Pull your Human Design chart here: https://www.myhumandesign.com/get-your-chart/

Bry's emails:

Fallon's upcoming Mastermind: 